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5 Signs You Need a Legal Translation in Dubai

Legal Translation in Dubai

Legal Translation in Dubai

If you don’t speak Arabic, you’ll need to use a legal translation in Dubai service when dealing with business in Dubai.

But how much does it cost? And do you really need one? In this article, we’ll go over five signs that indicate that you should be using a translation service if you want to get the most out of your dealings in Dubai.

Learn more about this in this article from Spiedino, the best local Arabic translation agency in Dubai!

1) If You Don’t Speak Arabic

If you are not able to read Arabic, you will likely need legal translation in Dubai services.

Reading any contract, or legal document can be extremely difficult without knowing how to read and speak Arabic.

This is especially true for those who want to live abroad and who don’t know Arabic at all.

Not being able to understand what you’re reading could cause an immense number of problems down the road.

Don’t risk it! Always get your translations done by a professional before signing any kind of legal document, regardless of what country you live in.

2) If Your Document Contains Technical Terms

If your document contains technical terms, you need a legal translation in Dubai.

Only translators that have extensive experience with documents containing these terms will be able to retain their meaning when translated.

Even if you are an attorney yourself, some legal documents may contain confusing or technical language.

Which can only be properly interpreted by someone who is well-versed in that field of law. When faced with new and complex terminology, use a legal translation in Dubai.

3) If Your Legal Translation in Dubai Will Be Submitted as Evidence

If you plan to use your translation as evidence, ask yourself these questions: Is there any information in my translated document that will impact an individual’s privacy rights?

Do I need to get special permission from any organization or individuals? Will anyone’s commercial interests be harmed by what I’ve translated?

If so, do I have their written consent to do so? How will they find out about it if they weren’t involved in my translation process?

If your answers are yes to any of these questions, you may need official or legal translation in Dubai.

Translation for official use needs certification by either a sworn translator or notary public (depending on how sensitive your material is).

Legal translation in Dubai should include a stamp and signature from your translator, who is an employee of an international company.

4) If Your Document Is Certified by An Authorized Certifier

Every legal translation in Dubai should be certified by an authorized certifier. It is important that you get an original and certified copy of your document so that it can be used for any future purposes.

However, you need to ensure that your translation has been done by professionals at Translation Office in Dubai who are certified translators.

5) It Doesn’t Make Sense to Translate Word for Word

There are times when it doesn’t make sense to translate word for word. Sure, you’re going to want to get your translation as close to perfect as possible.

So, that there aren’t any miscommunications during negotiations. But keep in mind that your client will be reading through your contract. Or letter and probably won’t be looking at every single word line by line.

If a foreign word is used once or twice but isn’t crucial to understanding what you mean. Don’t bother translating it; just leave it alone.

This will save you time and money because some words might have multiple translations with different meanings altogether!

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