Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 15202: Test on the wrist
Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 15202: Test on the wrist

Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 15202: Test on the wrist.A man should never be ashamed to admit that he was wrong, which is nothing more than to say … that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.
(Alexander Pope)
And then, after this test, I can really consider myself wiser!
And to say that Audemars Piguet has always been a brand
that I have loved and followed. Unfortunately,
I must also say that this love has never been enough to make me own one as I have never seen it “dress” my little wrist well.
A platonic love,
made up of long studies on paper or on unworn watches.
A tormented love as it has never been
In fact, over the years, I have never taken an AP and therefore never worn.replica Audemars Piguet
Then, one day, he calls me Paolo Volta. My friend Paolo Volta I can tell.
I knew Paolo by name as the owner of a famous dealership in Piacenza.
Then it happened that two fraternal friends
(Paolino who is also part of my beloved world of watches
even if lately he neglects me and Ettore who doesn’t understand anything about watches and is not even nice but I love him anyway)
introduced him to fake watches
Paolo has the shrewdness of someone who has to move in this world of luxury with a provincial shop.
So he is full of more innovative initiatives and ideas than the dealers in the big cities.
The other day we were together and he showed me a watch from his collection (this 15202 in fact).
Then, looking at me with his sly eyes typical of those who know how to charm a person,
he asked me if I wanted to test my wrist.
What could I say if not yes, in front of a piece that has always intrigued me?watch
So I found myself spending two weeks with an “alien being” on my wrist.
Yes, alien for real because his fit is completely different from any watch I’ve worn before.
The bracelet is in fact more rigid than other metal ones and almost creates a “bracelet” effect on my wrist.
In stunning satin rose gold for more.
A stiffness partly due to the fact that I had to take off several shirts to be able to wear it.
So here it is on the wrist this Audemars Piguet 15202 in pink gold.
Now I should start writing, impartially, about what it’s like to spend two weeks with this watch on my wrist.
However, I must first say,
it is right to do so,
that impartiality is undermined for two reasons.
First of all,
I believe that in watchmaking the dark dial rose gold combination is the best ever.
Second because I loved Audemars Piguet platonically and now I really love her,
unconditionally. I will therefore be partial,
you know, as any lover who talks about the object of his passion would be.
So I do not want to use euphemisms or go too far and I limit myself to one affirmation: on the wrist it is dizzying.Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 15202: Test on the wrist
He falls in love with it in half a day. In this version,
the 15202 is so fascinating that for the first two days
it is difficult to focus on anything other than discovering how beautiful this timepiece is in every detail.
The dial, the finishes, the bezel, the bracelet …
Every little detail inserted into this watch by that genius who was Gerald Genta is highlighted by a material that has a unique warmth and charm.
I should tell you about the spectacular blue gray honeycomb dial that is truly workmanlike. I should tell you about the in-house caliber that mounts the 15202.
I don’t even think about it. I should list the other technical features.
Forget it.
For that you will have the internet or magazines.
Don’t ask me to get lost in these technicalities because,
after wearing it all this time, they take a back seat.
I try to tell you what I felt but it will be hard as some emotions must really be experienced.
And I can never thank Paolo enough for this opportunity I have had.
He is different,
a watch that goes its own way which is then a different road from the ones you normally take.
Starting from how it fits on the wrist (at least in my case) everything is a world apart made unique by this spectacular play of shapes and materials. Unlike bracelets that hug the wrist,
this leaves some space making it really comfortable.
In the in-house version (the 15202 in fact) everything is more refined and even the bracelet is less thick than, for example, the 15400. The case is also thinner and this means that, albeit in gold, the weight is very pleasant and not annoying.
The reading of the hours is made easy by the fact that the rose gold spheres stand out well on the dark dial but then in reality what does it matter?!?!? I spent hours looking at it without even knowing what time it was. In these two weeks it has not been a watch, but an adventure companion to be admired during the day. I must admit that, at times, it also helped me to know what time it was.
The perfect watch then? Absolutely no. Unfortunately it has a huge flaw that I cannot hide from you.
The 15202, like all expressions of beauty (cars, women, little change houses), is something that you will not be the only ones to notice. People who see it on your wrist will notice it and ask you to see it, to try it on. And having to take the watch off to pass it into the hands of someone else who, perhaps, will not take the same care as you handle it is something that hurts (fans will understand me). And in these two weeks I have suffered, too much for my stamina. The clock belongs to Paolo, you will tell me. It is true, but he entrusted him to me for two weeks and in these days I felt he was mine. And I really suffered too much not to point out this huge mole from 15202 in rose gold. If you are jealous, possessive and precise like me,
get ready to suffer the pains of hell when you wear it and other people see it.
In reality this also made me think about how much the good Paolo will suffer every time he happens to have to take it off and let someone try it. And, for the friendship that binds us, I had also found a solution: give it to me to get out of this hard and embarrassing situation. I cannot tell you what he replied to me but I must tell you, Paolo, that you did not use very nice words towards me.Audemars Piguet Royal Oak 15202: Test on the wrist
I would like to conclude the test by paying a compliment to Audemars Piguet
(to Andrea, specifically, who is another very dear friend). In a few years you have managed to change something in the distribution of your watches and the brand is taking the place it really deserves at the top of the ranking of the most noble houses. You have made some difficult choices, but they are paying off in terms of image and prestige. Very good. To make the clock, I went to Paolo’s Piacenza (who is heartless and really took it back) and I was very sad, I had never been so sad at the end of the other tests. Fortunately,
Ettore was accompanying me
(remember the unpleasant one!?!?!?!) Who at least then offered me an excellent dinner based on salami and tigelle. He understands nothing about watches, as I have already said, but he is a great expert on food and wine. So I tried to drown the pain of separation in good food. In vain….