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Everything You Need To Know About Wheel Alignment

car wheels

Wheel Alignment is adjusting all of the wheel angles to the car manufacturer’s specifications. These adjustments are made to reduce tyre wear and to ensure that the vehicle travels straight and true without “pulling” to one side. This extends the life of your tyres while also ensuring straight driving on the road.

The alignment and balancing of your dream vehicle’s wheels are a must. Wheel Alignment is a very complex topic that encompasses a wide range of terms and a smorgasbord of components. When your wheels are misaligned, your tyres aren’t pointing in the right direction. This will have an impact on your steering and suspension, but more importantly, it may have an impact on your safety and the durability of your tyres and all the parts that control them.

When Is The Correct Time To Get An Alignment?

When suspension parts are replaced, you should have your vehicle checked for alignment if there are obvious signs of misalignment (such as the steering wheel being cocked to one side when the vehicle is going straight or if the vehicle consistently pulls to one side) or if there is uneven, rapid, or severe tyre wear.

Wheel alignment or wheel balancing service is required on a regular basis. Although the time limit varies depending on the model of the car, as professionals, we recommend that the services be performed every 6 months or 10000 kilometres, whichever comes first.

Additionally, when replacing tyres, an alignment is recommended, especially if the old tyres wore prematurely or unevenly.

Why Wheel Alignment Is Important?

Wheel alignments are intended to provide a vehicle with predictable and safe handling characteristics. A proper wheel alignment will also ensure that your tyres wear evenly (check back for our in-depth guide to diagnosing types of tyre wear).

A wheel alignment is also an excellent way to fine-tune the way your vehicle handles. In some motorsport applications, the alignment may be set far beyond the factory specifications for that vehicle to achieve greater performance at the expense of tyre wear or component lifespan, but more on that later.

What Causes Wheel Misalignment?

Wheel misalignment can be caused by one of three factors. The sudden jarring or heavy impact caused by hitting something, such as a pothole, bumping a curb, or being involved in a car accident, as well as worn parts caused by wear and tear. Suspension springs, for example, can become worn and slack over time, causing a shift in wheel alignment. Prevention is more effective than cure in this case, so regular service checks are required.

Another is height adjustment. When the suspension has not been adjusted to suit. Car suspension is designed to work at a specific height, and adjusting the height of your vehicle without also adjusting the suspension will most likely result in wheel misalignment.

If you notice any of the following alignment symptoms, you should have your vehicle checked out from a professional car mechanic  because your wheel alignment may need to be adjusted:

1. Your tyres are making a squealing noise.
2. Tires are wearing unevenly
3. When driving, the car drifts to one side
4. The steering wheel does not return easily after a turn
5. Steering wheel is crooked or vibrates.


So here I wrap up, that’s all I have for you today. Hope you like it and do share!

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