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How to convert PST to EML in Windows 11/10?

Searching or looking for your answers to the questions relatable like How can we convert PST File Format to EML File Format or Can a conversion take place of a .pst extension file to .eml extension file. So the answer to your question will be provided in this Article. It may contain some procedures but we have deducted the best-known methods that can be performed by you. Let’s start with the first question that is How to convert PST to EML in Windows 11/10.

This companion shows you some styles to convert PST to EML in Windows 10. PST, an acronym for Personal Storage Table, is an Outlook Data train that contains dispatches, connections, tasks, notes, and other Outlook particulars. Also, EML (Electronic Mail Format) is a dispatch communication train stored in the Internet Communication Format protocol. In case you want to convert emails from PST to EML format, keep on reading this composition to find results.

Before factual results, let us try to understand the differences between these two dispatch formats and why we need to convert PST to EML.

Why convert PST to EML?

There are several reasons for PST2EML conversion:

How to Export Outlook PST to EML in Windows11/10?

There’s one freeware plus Outlook add-in and one web service that let you convert a .pst File Extension to EML format in Windows11/10

Manually Operative Procedures to convert Outlook PST files into EML in Windows 11/10

Manually Operative Approach for Conversion of PST to EML File Format

The Procedure elaborates to make duplicates of the data after exporting the PST Format file format from Microsoft Outlook.

Click on MS Outlook to open.

The debit of Manually Operative styles

The important threat of Losing the Data fully or some of them by using manually operative styles to convert PST to MBOX

PST to EML Converter Software

There’s this devoted free software for Windows 10 to convert your .pst File Extension to EML format called PST to EML Converter Tool. It lets you convert multiple PST lines to EML format at formerly. Follow the below way to perform conversion through it

Launch its standalone operation and give the path to PST lines.

Piecemeal from the standalone operation, it can also be used as a Microsoft Outlook Add-in. While installing this software, you can choose to add it to your Outlook and also use it directly from the Outlook operation.

As you install the add-in in service, a tab will be added to the MS Outlook strip. For the conversion of the File, Formats PST2EML go for the tab and click the convert option. A conversion wizard will open up where you need to enter the input (PST) and affair (EML) brochure path and also click on the Run button to start conversion.

Benefits of Outlook PST to EML Converter

It converts all PST emails and attachments to EML and other formats.


Presumably, you’re converting Outlook files to .eml extension files. You will need some kind of third-party tool to deal with this situation. There are numerous similar tools available in the online market if you search in the right place. You can simply class in” pst to eml conversion” in the hunting machine you prefer to use and can get plenitude of results from there. Here’s the analogous hunt done in google” pst to eml conversion” Among the hunt results setting up the GainTools PST to EML Converter Software is the perfect and well-suited result for this problem.

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