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How to Reshape the Teeth Using Tooth Contouring?

Tooth Contouring

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Dental contouring and tooth reshaping is the cosmetic dentistry that eradicates the minor dental enamel for changing its shape and length. It is highly efficient in altering the overlapping, cracked and chipped teeth painlessly and fast.

Dental contouring is great alternative for braces in many situations. It offers noticeable and subtle change in the smile promoting the overall oral health in the long run.

How tooth contouring performs

With the help of trained and skilful cosmetic dentist, it never causes any discomfort and pain. But dental X-rays are important for the evaluation of the location of pulp and size of the tooth. It also ensures the dentist that there is sufficed bone density to carry out the procedure and seek optimum support.

Using a drill or laser the dentist will shed some amount of enamel. Then they will trim the misshapen spots. By this way they define the shape and size of poorly shaped and excessive long teeth. It promotes proper alignment and bite in the long run.

Once contouring is over, the dentist will polish the teeth to deliver natural appearing shine and sheen. On the basis of the contouring extent, reshaping may end within half an hour to transform your smile.

Tooth contouring benefits

This process is under cosmetic dentistry that delivers noticeable and fast results. It is perfect to reshape the teeth addressing minor imperfections.

The benefits of undergoing it are:

Minor cosmetic problems contouring can solve

It is meticulous for addressing minor dental flaws. On an average there is only 2.28mm density of enamel and having adequate quantity is important. Then only this procedure can succeed to protect the overall oral health. It prevents the teeth from over sensitivity as well.

Dental contouring addresses the below-mentioned dental problems:

Tips to keep teeth healthy post treatment

Tooth contouring leaves the teeth slightly thin! As a result, your smile becomes more sensitive to cold and hot sensations. You need to protect the teeth from any abrasive components. Also during brushing take proper care to prevent the enamel from further damage.

Follow perfect dental regimen to keep the teeth in perfect shape. Brush using fluoride toothpaste every day for 2 times to retain the whiteness and stain-free appear of the teeth post treatment.

Some other tips to keep the teeth healthy post contouring comprise of the following:

Are you suitable for contouring?

Dental contouring is the straightforward and simple process. In case you want for smile improvement using it, then visit the dentist. Find out the local clinic by searching with teeth contouring near me in London online.

The dentist will conduct dental exam to assess the condition of your teeth. Afterwards, if adequate enamel is there then only you are eligible for the process. Consult with the dentist today!

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