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If you are in a sitting job, then definitely do these 4 yoga asanas, there will be no spinal problems

If you are in a sitting job, then definitely do these 4 yogasanas, there will be no spinal problems-Online Yoga Teacher Training Course.

Online Yoga Teacher Training Course.

As technology continues to evolve, a lot of work is now being done in one place. Similarly, students studying, shopkeepers and people with desk jobs have to work sitting in one place throughout the day. Due to work pressure, there is neither time to think about fitness nor time to go to gym and exercise. In such a situation, it has been seen that after a short time these people start having back pain, back pain, shoulder pain or elbow and finger pain. The reason for this is that you are mentally active but physically inactive. To stay fit, it is very important for your body to do some hard work or exercise. If you do not get much time from your work, then you can take out 10 minutes of time at home or office and do some easy yoga asanas, so that you can avoid these problems in the body. Apart from this, these yoga asanas will also keep you physically fit & healthy.

If you want to explore and learn more about yoga poses, you can join an Online Yoga Teacher Training Course.

1. Hastottanasana (Hand over)

2. Supt Pawanmuktasana Yoga

3. Padasanchalanasana Yoga

4. Do stretching


Don’t sit for hours

Even if there is work to sit in the office, do not sit on the chair for hours in one place, but keep walking in between. After every one-and-a-half hours, get up from your chair and stretch the body a little by walking 20 steps and then sit down. Carry your own luggage or take a walk in your cabin during lunchtime. Anyway, take out 15-20 minutes for yourself in which you can walk, so that the body gets exercised.

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