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Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces: Which is More Affordable?

If you’re considering getting Invisalign, you’re not alone. Many patients are opting to pay out of pocket to get the smile they’ve always wanted without showing off metal braces in their smile. But how much does Invisalign cost? And which option – traditional braces or Invisalign – is more affordable? Here’s what you need to know when it comes to the costs of each and if you should factor them into your decision on which braces option to choose.


The Costs of Invisalign

You’ll likely see a lot of numbers thrown around when it comes to Invisalign, and with good reason; there are so many options for straightening your teeth (including traditional braces) that it’s hard to pick one without doing your homework. A dentist places near me in Virginia Beach will be able to discuss costs for Invisalign and traditional braces during your consultation, but let’s give you an idea of what those might be here. We know from our patients that Invisalign typically runs at least $1,500 more than traditional braces over three years, but there are various other factors (such as how much treatment you need) that can influence price as well.


The Costs of Traditional Braces

A traditional dental brace setup can cost you as much as $5,000 for treatment that can last a couple of years (even though some will tell you it will cost around $1,500). Why does it have to be so expensive? First off, because braces are manufactured by dental professionals and sold in your local pharmacy. Unlike Invisalign trays, traditional braces don’t just slip over your teeth; they need to be screwed into place and tightened regularly during treatment to ensure teeth don’t move out of position—which means frequent visits to your dentist and additional costs down the line when you may need new parts or more appointments than originally expected.

Second, because traditional braces require your dentist to spend time making adjustments and fine-tuning your bite on an ongoing basis. It’s not like Invisalign where you get one set of aligners made at one appointment. And wear them until treatment is complete. And third, because most people need orthodontic work done sooner rather than later these days thanks to poor oral hygiene habits picked up from childhood onwards. This means there’s a greater chance that any damage caused by early wear-and-tear won’t be covered under warranty or insurance plans will pay less since you waited longer before seeking treatment.


Benefits of each type of treatment

Both Invisalign and traditional braces will effectively straighten your teeth. But there are some big differences when it comes to pricing and how long each treatment takes. Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners that you wear over your teeth; they’re removable and easy to take care of. The aligners gradually shift your teeth into place, so you don’t have to remove them when eating or drinking; only in-between visits to your dentist or orthodontist do you need to remove them. Traditional braces require more work.

Concluding remarks on the costs

To sum up, you can expect to pay roughly $1,500 to $2,000 per trimester. Of Invisalign treatment or about $5,000 for full traditional braces treatment. On top of that, you’ll need regular follow-up appointments. With your dentist and orthodontist at least once every 6 months during Invisalign treatment. Of course, these are estimates—your exact costs will vary based on. How much does Invisalign cost your doctor has done and how many services. He or she offers in-house rather than contracting out to outside specialists. Make sure to ask about these differences when talking to potential practitioners for both.

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