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Why Am I Losing Followers on Instagram & How to Fix It?

What's worse than having an Instagram account that isn't able to gain followers?

Are you Losing Followers on Instagram?  that you’ve spent all of your time and effort to gain, to begin with? Whatever way you view it losing users on Instagram is the most dreadful scenario. On one day, everything is perfect, and people are really interested in your content.

Then the next day, your Instagram expansion strategy goes in the other direction. When these things happen it’s difficult not to be frightened. Instead of being rational regarding the entire situation and thinking that it’s all over. In doing this you’re doing you (and your followers) not many favours. In the event that you’re experiencing a loss of Instagram users, that’s due to reasons. Your task is to figure out what the cause is and then take action to fix it.

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Is Losing Followers on Instagram Normal?

Yes, there’s a chance to lose some followers here and there is completely normal. Accounts are unfollow at times for a myriad of reasons. Therefore, maintaining each and every follower you’ve got for the long haul isn’t a viable alternative. It could be the case that your followers have closed their Instagram accounts, which means they don’t follow you anymore. Some people use to buy followers on Instagram this may also cause loose of following later, but a real social Agency can cover you in this case.

If you’re beginning to lose followers in greater amounts, you know something isn’t quite right. If it’s an ongoing decrease in followers or sudden drops in the number of followers, and there is no answer it’s not normal. It is also important to get involved as soon as you can is not overemphasized. The faster you get rid of the issue in the early stages more likely it will cause you to suffer a serious headache.

Why Are You Losing Followers on Instagram?

There are a variety of reasons you might lose followers on Instagram most of them related to how good your posts. No matter what kind of content you post it must be engaging and entertaining to keep users on your page.

There are other reasons which can cause a drop in the number of followers that extend beyond Instagram posting quality. If you’re experiencing any of these to you, you might be looking for the reason that people are clicking the ‘unfollow button in alarmingly large amounts:

1. over Promotional Content Strategy

First off it’s important to note that promotional content isn’t often appealing. It’s not the type of content that can increase your engagement or build credibility and trust on Instagram. A few promotional posts are okay, but the rest of your content should be completely non-promotional. Maintain a natural, authentic and transparent always. Every promotional post you post, make sure to provide at least a dozen quality non-promotional posts. Do not give the impression that you’re using Instagram only to sell or for marketing. If this is your intention, you must to convey the opposite.


2. Posting Too Often

Is there a danger as being too frequent on Instagram? Yes, there is. And this is a mistake that a lot of people make in the present. Keep posting regularly and don’t overwhelm your users with too much information that they could take in.

The reality is that the ideal amount of Instagram posts per day can vary considerably from one blogger and user from one day to another. It’s up to you to determine what the ideal number of posts is but don’t be tempted to believe that greater is always more effective. In many cases, less could be more, but the quality is important much higher than amount.

3. Posting Outside of Your Theme/Niche

This could be a massive negative for the majority of Instagram users. If you are a follower on Instagram you do so to do so for some reason. They share content that is relevant to your own interests, and you are able to relate to their posts in various ways. So the moment they start posting content that isn’t of relevance for you, it’s normal to drop interest in them.

One of the most effective methods to get followers moving away from your main focus is by expanding your reach beyond your primary niche. A few abstract posts are good, but if you go far from the things they’re looking for, and they’ll stop following you. Keep as close in line with your primary focus and only share information that you are certain your intended people will be interested in.

4. Buying Fake Followers

Two problems here. The one is the automatic elimination of followers who are fake. If you purchase fake followers from accounts that are spam and then remove them by Instagram. In addition to losing money however, you could also be at possibility of being banned from shadowing. You may even see your account removed from service, after having in violation of Instagram’s terms and conditions. Additionally, an account that is that is populated with thousands of fake followers is ugly. Your natural followers will be able to spot your fake followers at a distance and immediately lose respect for your account.

5. Not Posting Enough Content

As we mentioned earlier the habit of posting too frequently could be harmful. On the other end of the spectrum, the inability to post regularly enough could be equally harmful. The longer it takes between posts more chance of your fans losing interest in your account or possibly, even believing you’ve quit your account completely and thus deciding to take the business of others.

The answer to this problem is simple – publish high-quality content on a regular schedule. No matter how busy you are, you must make the effort to post quality content at least once every week. If you don’t, you’ll soon fall behind your rivals who are more prolific in their postings. Be consistent and make sure your viewers are aware of when to check in for something new and exciting.

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