The majority of individuals are overwhelmed by the word “maintenance.” You do not need to be a qualified auto technician, have a car lift in your garage, or possess a tool chest brimming with costly tools to perform the routine maintenance activities that will keep your car running safely and efficiently for years to come.
Car maintenance may be intimidating at first, but begin simple and work your way up the auto repair ladder.
Here are some essential electric vehicle repair service and auto maintenance tips that you may perform on your own:
Oil Change
Experts recommend oil changes every 5,000 miles. Whether you change the oil yourself or have it done by a car mechanic, changing the oil regularly is critical to keep your automobile operating smoothly.
Air Filter Replacement
Every 12,000 miles, replace the air filter. This is probably possibly the simplest car maintenance task you can perform on your own. Changing your car’s air filter regularly improves fuel efficiency, extends the life of your engine, and reduces pollutants.
While changing your car’s oil necessitates you to find a way to dispose of the used oil properly, there is no such hardship with changing the air filter. Moreover, doing it yourself will potentially save you the cost of having it done at a repair facility. Also, getting durable car accessories Perth will ensure long-term life.
Non-Headlight Bulbs Replacement
Start removing the retaining screws to access the side marker, license plate, and fog light bulbs. Take the bulb directly from the socket. Touch the new bulb with a paper towel or gloved hands to avoid skin oils from accumulating on the thin glass, resulting in bulb failure prematurely. Then, until the bulb clicks into place, put it into the socket. Replace the lens.
Wheel Rotation
Rotate tires on a 5,000-10,000-mile basis. Tires on the front and rear wheels wear differently. Rotating your tires regularly balances their natural wear patterns, resulting in a smoother, safer ride. Additionally, it prolongs the life of your vehicle tires, saving you money on pricey replacements. Here’s how to rotate the tires on your car.
Wipe the windshield
A bug-splattered, dirty windshield poses a safety risk by obstructing your road view. Therefore, clean it regularly. Soak the entire windshield with a cleaning solution using the spongy end of the gas station squeegee. Then, tightly draw the squeegee from the windshield centre to the sides, completing the job by dragging its top to bottom. This is especially critical during an extended highway trip when your windshield is covered with bug carcasses. Using your car’s wipers and washing fluid to clear them generates a large, smeary mess that further obscures your line of sight.
Oil level
Check the oil level and add as necessary. Motor oil is critical to the performance of your vehicle. Its primary duty is to lubricate the moving parts in your engine, preventing them from grinding and tearing themselves apart. Additionally, it distributes heat from the combustion cycle and catches and stores any harmful combustion byproducts, directing them to the oil filter. If your engine is running low on oil, your automobile is at risk of breaking down.
To ensure that your vehicle always has sufficient oil, it’s critical to develop the practice of checking it regularly. While your owner’s handbook probably recommends performing this procedure at each gas fill-up, every other fill-up is typically sufficient. Checking the oil level in your car is a cinch, and all that is required is a clean towel, sufficient light, and approximately three minutes.
Tire Inflation
Inspect tire inflation pressure. Keeping your tires properly inflated will help you stay safe and may possibly save you some money. Incorrectly inflated tires — which can be either over- or under-inflated — do not stop or handle as well as properly inflated tires. Additionally, they raise your risk of a breakout. Additionally, properly inflated tires have a better life and improve fuel efficiency.
Tire pressure is a key factor that you must monitor closely, as it fluctuates regularly as the tires count miles and the temperature changes. That is why it is critical to check it often and add air as necessary. While some experts recommend performing this check at each gas fill-up, like the oil inspection, every other fill-up must be sufficient to detect any inadequacies before they become major problems.
Long-term halt
Preserve the value of your automobile during long-term halt. If you will be away from your car for more than a month, carefully store it to avoid unnecessary repairs and fixes upon your return. To prevent condensation from forming in the gas tank, fill it. Include a fuel stabilizer, then drive the vehicle around a little to ensure the additive is distributed evenly to all engine components.
Other Factors
- To protect the finish, carefully clean and wax the car. Install an insulating material on the floor of your garage. A drop cloth made of 4-mil polyethylene will suffice.
- Detach the parking brake to assist in preventing corrosion of the brakes. In case you want more assistance, you can opt for a car brakes service.
- Place the vehicle on jack stands to relieve the vehicle’s weight off the tires and wheels.
- To prevent the battery from draining, disconnect and remove it. Connect the battery to a trickle charger. Alternatively, drain the battery occasionally with a small light bulb and refill it with a low-voltage charger.
We hope these maintenance tips will help you safely maintain the vehicle. This is a critical car service and maintenance task that you should be familiar with. Keep on reading articlesall for more Interesting Posts