iOS is unique from other platforms, and this is visible from the strength of the user community. Therefore, designing interface and graphics for the iPhone applications is similar to creating for different platforms. However, it is tricky because apple devices and operating systems are less flexible than Android. Apple has a unique set of guidelines with (HIG) Human Interface Guidelines. You can keep in touch with iPhone app development company or check the strict guidelines mentioned in HIG from Apple.
In this latest blog post, we are enlisting the top designing tactics used by the iPhone app development company. You can straightforwardly use the tactics to create an award-winning iOS application.
Top listed tips for iPhone app design
Choose the color combination carefully
Be careful while using colors. Your color scheme and how you use it intensely affect the user experience and usability of your iPhone app user interface.
HIG recommends limiting the color palette in your brand logo and using them in the entire interface gauge. Then, make sure that the colors you are using would flow in such a way, leading to a very intuitive user interface. Colors themselves demonstrate the specific UI elements, and this is how you create a sleeker iPhone app design because users recognize the different parts of the interface with colors themselves.
Moreover, be conscious while choosing colors for the pop-up messages like a warning. Try using dark colors like shades of red in such statements. Simply the green color to delivery to O.K. notification to the users.
Use color to demonstrate the interaction.
HIG recommends using tincture of the interface colors to depict the interaction. Tint colors are the shade of colors with white proximity and lighter texture of color. Users will quickly identify between the static elements and the interactive elements. You can hire iPhone app development company that use different colors to differentiate between the fixed and interactive UI elements.
Make a dark and light theme adaptive color palette.
Users are conscious of eye comfort. So, dark mode is high priority in-app interface world. Ensure your color theme is properly synchronizing with the dark and light interface. Using fewer colors in the combination benefits you while matching the interface with the theme. The real-time theme automatically adjusts the app interface colors on the device according to its semantic color system. Use system colors to represent specific icons and save your time in design and development.
Use custom iOS typography.
There are no meticulous rules for the typography in the iOS user interface. However, HIG recommends two custom fonts: San Francisco (sans serif) and New York (serif). Apple designed both typefaces keeping scalability and adaptability in mind. But still, you can stand out your brand in the market with different tests and more vibrant. Just make sure your text is readable.
The right time to use When to use San Francisco and New York
Most iOS users are habitual in reading San Francisco or New York typefaces. So, try using these fonts in paragraphs like instructions and navigations. Just Hire iPhone app developer, you do not need to take care of hierarchies hard and fast. Meanwhile, Apple’s New York serif is excellent for titles and acts as a complementary typeface for San Francisco.
Don’t take up space with a logo.
Apple’s HIG tends to make 100% efforts in manifesting your brand. Just make sure the logo is not covering more than enough space on the screen. In addition, you need to keep the user interface and navigation pathway clean to retain a seamless user experience.
Although there are many other ways to radiate your brand, the most accessible approach to doing the same is using the same colors as your logo in the UI design elements. You can use your brand palette for iconographies such as highlighting text, backgrounds, or splash screens.
Do not create a dark and light theme yourself
No doubt that users love the dark mode theme for sure. But try not making your dark or light theme interface. Instead, customize it using PNG files according to the device settings. Then, when the user turns on the dark mode on the device, your app will retain the features itself. You do not need to take the headache of theme, as it may crush with device settings.
Finally, hacks of adopting the concept of minimalism mean using lucid icons, keeping minimal content, leaving blank space to let icons normalize, putting vector images, and keeping translucent backgrounds going to help you a lot.
Designing for the iOS interface might not be easily compared to other platforms it can be a cup of tea by outsourcing iPhone app development company. Over the years, we can see the enormous increase in screen sizes. Hence, designers have an excellent opportunity to create immense app designs. Color options and new tools give out great conciseness to the interface. You can check out a few pre-existing apps on the app store to see the great examples of organizing your content and hierarchy guides.
Also read: A Short Guide on Latest Website Design Trends.