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Which Technology is Best for eCommerce Website Development?

ecommerce website development

eCommerce Website Development Overview

There are approximately 182,000 active eCommerce websites. The competition is fierce, you have no chances of failure, and you must make the right decisions from the start.

There are numerous eCommerce website development technologies available.

You can outsource your eCommerce website development depending on the complexity of your project and the budget/time available to you.

A good eCommerce and mobile app consultant will typically use an open-source CMS such as Prestashop or Magento, or will build your site with a “turnkey” solution and host it with Wix, Shopify, or Oxatis.

Whatever solution you choose, the most important thing is that you understand the best eCommerce processes and have a good working methodology.

A well-developed eCommerce solution establishes a link between the buyer and seller of goods or services via the Internet and allows the transfer of money or data in order to complete these transactions, all while ensuring online data security with the use of a video id verification platform, such as Fully-Verified.

The development of an eCommerce project is divided into several stages: specifications, CMS and tool selection, product catalogue construction, development monitoring, and finally SEO optimization and launch preparation.

We’ve attempted to summarise the best platform for eCommerce websites that you can use, as well as eCommerce technology trends, so you can select the one that works best for you.


Shopify was created specifically for small businesses and has an extremely simple installation process. You don’t need any developer skills to use this solution.

The most basic solution, offering a full-service subscription + hosting services as well as integrated SEO features.



PrestaShop is a ‘open source’ e-commerce solution that has been in existence since 2007.

You can create stores in the cloud or on your own server using this platform.

This e-commerce web technology is simple to use, has a powerful online store interface, and is beneficial to buyers.

Despite being one of the free eCommerce tools and technology, it has a plethora of complementary features.

A very dependable solution with a strong emphasis on the user experience.


WooCommerce Extension for WordPress

WordPress is most likely the most well-known and widely used online store technology.

This platform is very easy to set up and customise to our needs.

It has an excellent CMS (Content Management System) that allows you to easily create new articles or pages without requiring any development.

The WooCommerce plugin provides all of the required online store services.

WordPress is an excellent choice for a small e-commerce site where the “intro” section is also important.



Magento is the most popular self-contained platform for developing online stores.

This platform is design to manage large online stores.

It is capable of managing a large number of products (500+). Once properly configured, it also has a very user-friendly CMS.

It is a little more difficult to set up at first, which necessitates further development.

This solution is recommended if the site’s primary function is online sales and the site must manage a large number of products.


Drupal Commerce

We can create eCommerce websites and applications of any size using Drupal Commerce.

Because of Drupal’s expertise, the best Drupal features and major modules, such as views and rules, are also available for maximum flexibility.


Connect with our team of experts to learn more about the cost of developing an eCommerce website using any of these different eCommerce website development technologies.

Our motto at Aiwa Digital is to incorporate the most recent advancements and eCommerce website development technologies. After all, only by staying ahead of the competition can we create highly successful eCommerce portals for our clients. Please contact us to discuss your digitalization plans.

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