A Complete Handbook to Write Dissertation Literature Review

Writing a literature review can be challenging, especially if you are unsure where to start. This handbook will help you write a comprehensive and effective dissertation literature review for your paper.
In addition to discussing the basics of writing a literature review, this handbook will also provide tips and tricks on overcoming common challenges students face while writing this section. So, this handbook will help you if you are just starting or struggling with your current draft.
What is a Literature Review?
A dissertation literature review is an essential component of any dissertation. It helps in providing a clear perspective of the existing knowledge on the topic and offers insights into how the subject has been studied so far. It provides a summary and critical evaluation of the relevant research literature on your case.
To write an impeccable dissertation literature review, you must familiarize yourself with your field’s fundamental concepts, theories, and debates. If done correctly, your literature review can make your dissertation stand out from the rest.
A guide for Students to Write Literature Review
Steps of looking for the authentic sources for review
First, look for sources that have been published in peer-reviewed journals. These sources have been vetted by experts in the field and are more likely to be reliable. Second, look for references from credible organizations, such as government agencies or respected research institutions.
Remember to use valid sources because your research will contribute to the academic literature, so it must be credible. By following our tips, you can be sure to find credible sources for your literature.
Finding gaps in the Research
The purpose of reviewing the literature is to determine what researchers and scholars have found in the past. Once, you understand the gaps in the research, you conduct your own research to address those gaps.
In the literature review writing, you develop objectives to address research gaps on a particular topic. As you read widely but critically, consider gaps in the research, areas that have been overlooked, or conflicting theories. Your review of the literature must address those gaps.
Critically Evaluate the Gaps
You may also apply this method of critically analyzing published work to determine where your study fits into your subject’s existing body of knowledge. When you come across a gap in the literature, ask yourself whether there is a good reason for this gap. The dissertation help UK experts also claim that such gaps often represent an opportunity for you to describe how your research addresses these questions or contrarian perspectives.
Use sample literature reviews
There are a few different ways users of samples can be approached when writing it. The first and most common usage is as a guide. In this usage, the sample literature review is used as a template to help structure the writing process. This can be helpful for individuals who have never written such a document or those struggling with organization.
Another common usage of samples is to identify gaps in the current research. Reading through relevant literature makes it easier to identify where further research needs to be conducted. Finally, using samples can also help ensure that your review of literature is comprehensive.
By reading through several examples, it can be easier to get a sense of what you must include in a review and what can be left out. Using samples can be extremely helpful when writing a dissertation literature review. Nevertheless, you must remember that the sample should only be used as a guide and not copied verbatim.
Use great Evidence
While working on your dissertation’s literature review, you should remember that this section is all about accurate evidence. You need to collect and include evidence that is relevant to your research question and topic. The evidence can be in the form of quotes, statistics, charts, and real-life examples.
It is essential to balance different types of evidence so that your analysis of literature is well-rounded and convincing. In addition to using evidence to support your claims, you also need to ensure that all of your evidence is properly sourced. This means including citations for all of the sources that you use.
Failure to properly cite your sources can result in accusations of plagiarism. Therefore, it is essential to take care when collecting and incorporating evidence into your literature analysis. You can proofread your work to ensure that it is free from errors.
End Words
The dissertation literature review is essential to the research process, and you must write it professionally. Our step-by-step approach to reviewing literature may seem very formulaic (and it is), but following it will help ensure that your document covers all relevant information. Once you have completed the literature review on your subject, make sure to use references in the correct format. It will authenticate your argument and enhance the credibility of your paper.