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Electric Bikes – Introduction l What They Are and How They Work

If someone hears the word “electric bicycle the first thing they think of is an electric motorbike or scooter However, they’re very different. Think of a bicycle as a regular one with a variety of electrical components, such as an electric motor, a battery, and a controller, that are seamlessly integrated into the style. These components form the basic components for all the electric bikes available on the market!

How do electric bikes function?

Electric bikes can be operated and pedaled exactly like regular bicycles. In general, the electric bike will make use of the same components. The electric bike is intended to boost the human body’s power, not substitute it. It makes the rigors of headwinds and hills easier to manage and lets you travel farther without becoming exhausted.

Check out our diagram for greater detail on the way electric bikes function, including the battery, motor, charger, and drivetrain:

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The best electric bike to choose from

The comfort and the quality of components are just equally important on an electronic bicycle as they would be for a normal bicycle. However, there are some additional factors to take into consideration.
The motor

Electric bike motors are available with a range in power levels, ranging from 200W up to 1,000W or more. The legally-enforceable maximum in the US is 750W, however different states have the ability to decide their own limit.

Consider this as a limit type of horsepower. A higher rating indicates that the bike can lift more weight with more ease, however, it will be having more battery capacity doing it. Therefore, a motor with 750W will drain your battery faster than a 250W motor however, it is more efficient.

Another aspect must be considered, but. The shape and position of the motor play crucial roles in the way electric bikes function.

The most commonly used type of electric motor that is used in electric bikes is referred to as a hub motor. It’s usually attached to the front wheel or the rear. When activated it pushes or pulls the wheel to move it along. While this method is effective, however, it does have one major drawback. Because it’s not connected to the bike’s gears it’s less effective in the hills and on different terrain. Imagine driving a car with only one gear all day. It can get you to places however it will not give you the optimal quantity of speed or torque that you can get from the full range of gears.

At EVELO We offer a patent-pending mid-drive motor that is integrated into the crank and gears. This has several benefits:

Improved performance, while using less energy in the battery, as mid-drive motors use the bike’s current gears;
A lot more power for hill climbing because you can change gears according to the slope and
The handling is improved since the motor is located close to the floor, thereby keeping the weight in place and at a low level.

The battery

Since the battery can affect the weight, appearance, and range that the bicycle has, the choice of the battery is essential. Batteries play an important role in how electric bikes operate. Most of the battery options sold on the market fit into one of these two categories:
Sealed Lead Acid (SLA)

They were previously the most common type of battery for the majority of electric scooters as well as electric bicycles. Today, most electric scooters use SLA batteries, but electric bicycles (which frequently require human input) have switched to more advanced battery technologies in order to keep the bike as light as it is.



Bulky and heavy
Provide a smaller riding range
A shorter life span of 100-300 full cycle costs
They will require more maintenance and should be charged right away after usage

Lithium (Ion/Polymer/Manganese/Etc.)

These are the latest battery technology. Lithium batteries last an average life of around 2 times longer than the SLA battery. Lithium batteries are less heavy and are also largely maintenance-free.

The battery is light and compact – the capacity is high. Lithium-Polymer batteries may weigh as low as up to 6 pounds!
Provide a greater range of riding Battery can go up to 40 miles when in pedal-assist setting (or 20 miles using throttle-only).
The more long-lasting life span of around 800 charges or three years of everyday usage


Higher priced – from around $1,500 to $3,000 and beyond

The controller

It is available in a variety of designs It lets you use the electric assist on your electric bike. It is essential to how electric bikes operate. The controller is situated on the handlebar to make it easy to access. There are two primary types of controllers: pedal-activated and throttle-based controllers.

Pedal-activated systems provide the assistance of an electric motor when you push down on the pedals. It is not necessary to use a throttle; just pedaling the bike will accomplish the task. Electric bikes equipped with pedal-activated features have a control attached to the handlebar that allows you to adjust the amount of assistance that you get when you pedal. You can set how much assistance you require that ranges from none to lots of help.

The throttle-based controllers are operated by simple throttle mechanisms. The throttle is either one with a twist grip or thumb-press type. When you use a throttle, just push or pull the throttle back to activate the assistance of an electric motor. Certain electric bikes need just opening the throttle, which allows you to pedal without having to pedal.

In general, electric bikes are easy to operate, ride and maintain. In general, they need the little maintenance that normal bikes require.

How do I use the bike?

Electric bicycles are engineered to be extremely easy to use. As a cyclist you can choose from three different modes of operation at your disposal:
Pedal Only

Any time, you can ride an electric bike just like you would on a regular one. There’s no additional force generated through the engine, therefore it will behave exactly as normal bicycles do. Based on the model you select the bicycle will be either with a 3-speed or 8 gears or the special NuVinci(r) N360(TM) internally driven drivetrain that gives you an unlimited number of gears.

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The Pedal Assist (sometimes called Electronic-Assist)

With this option, you will be able to benefit from combining electric and human power. When you switch on this mode by pressing the switch on or off at the handlebars the motor will softly give you electric power while you pedal. You are able to change gears when the terrain changes in order to take advantage of greater power or speed. It’s a wonderful experience to utilize the pedal-assist mode since it allows you to cycle with ease it flattens the hills and allows you to simply enjoy yourself and the view.

The pedal-assist mode has the following levels of assist that include: Low (30 percent) Medium (60 percent) as well as High (100 percent). The percentage indicates simply how much power the motor provides to enhance your pedaling. Low adds an additional 30 percent of strength to pedaling high is basically double the power. Simply pressing the button will switch you between the various levels.


This type of operation lets the user relax and relax while letting the motor take care of the job. If you want to use “electric exclusively” mode, just twist the throttle that is located on the left side of the handlebar, and you’ll notice the motor start to start to kick in and push you forward. Make sure you turn the throttle to continue or let it go when you’re prepared to pedal or want to stop. Be aware that, due to Federal rules, the maximum speed for electric-only mode is set at 20 miles per hour.

Do I require a permit to ride on one?

Electric bikes are an emerging concept in the US and, therefore, there’s a lot of confusion over what the law says about these bikes. Federal law regards electric bicycles as regular bicycles if they satisfy two requirements: (1) the top speed in “electric-only” mode is 20 miles per hour in addition, (2) the motor’s power should not exceed 700W.

EVELO electric bicycles are compliant with all federal requirements. We limit the maximum speed for “electric solely” modes to 20 miles an hour, but you are able to accelerate your bike using pedal power should you desire. Motors from our company are designed to handle 250W which is within the federal limit.

Therefore electric bikes do not require a separate registration or license to be able to operate. Additionally, they have the same rights as regular bicycles, for instance, they are allowed to use bicycle lanes.

But, each state has its own specific rules regarding electric bicycles. While the majority of states adhere to the national standard, however, some states have their own unique requirements. If you’re curious about the operation of electric bikes in your state, contact us, and we’ll guide you to get more information regarding your state. To ensure your safety we suggest wearing a helmet as well as reflectors and lights even if the law doesn’t specifically stipulate them.


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