What Is Octoprint? How to Do a Octoprint Setup?
Octoprint is a controller application for 3d printers. Octoprint setup functions as a snappy web interface for your 3d printer. The Octoprint interface displays the status of the printer, main parameters, and scheduled printouts, allowing users to remotely control the printer. Users simply need to install the application on their Raspberry Pi computer attached to a 3d printer. This article guides readers on Octoprint and how beginners can set up octoprint for the very first time.
What Do You Need To Know About Octoprint?
Octoprint was developed by Gina Haußge back in 2012 for supporting her first 3d printer.
Earlier this utility was backed by a Spanish smartphone manufacturer but after BQ backed off, the developer of Octoprint switched to Patreon and got a good response. As of now, it has 2300 backers that provide more than $6700 per month.
The features and tools provided by Octoprint help a lot in optimizing and controlling the 3d Printers. These features include remotely controlling and monitoring each and every task of the 3d printer right away from the browser.
The strong and effective plugins from Octoprint help in increasing the functionality of the application. The good thing is that Octoprint is totally free and open-source under the AGPL license.
What Can I Do With Octoprint?
There are many benefits of using Octoprint. Here is the list of the tasks that you can you effectively perform with the help of Octoprint.
1. Print From Anywhere Using Octoprint-Spaghetti Detective
Since Octoprint has wireless printing and is not limited to wireless printouts while being on the same network.
Spaghetti Detective Plugin from Octoprint will allow you to print even if you are not at your home and you need printouts when you get back to your place.
You can also monitor the performance of your printouts from literally anywhere.
2. Timelapse Feature-Octolapse
Well, we all know that 3D printing is a quite lengthy and hefty task. It is quite obvious that users will need regular breaks if it’s a really big project.
The printing might take hours. This is where the timelapse feature of Octoprint comes into play. The whole printing process can be viewed in a matter of a few seconds.
The plugin that will help you in time-lapse videos is Octolapse. This feature becomes more useful if you want to record a timelapse video of a beautiful print created by you.
You will need to attach a camera to your Raspberry Pi.
3. Cloud Slicing-Cura
The plugin used for slicing is Cura.
Cloud Slicing helps in remote slicing 3d models without installing any slicing software on the device. The slicing process can be done by installing the plugin on Raspberry Pi. This feature comes in handy as it saves storage.
4. Multiple Printer Control-Octofarm plugins
There are times when you work with more than one 3d printer and controlling all of them single-handedly is not an easy task.
This is where Multiple printer control comes into play. You can connect all the 3d printers and their webcams with a single Raspberry Pi device.
Or you can also try using Octofarm plugin that is meant for multiple printer controls.
5. View G-Codes
If you don’t use webcams to monitor the print progress then the G-Code viewer can keep you updated on the current state of your printouts. This feature of Octoprint shows you layer number and real-time nozzle position.
How to Set Up Octoprint For Your Computer?
Octoprint can be installed on Windows, Linux, and MAC systems but it is mostly used in Raspberry Pi using OctoPi. OctoPi is an image for Raspberry Pi OS.
The image is created on top of the Pi OS and comes with Octoprint as a pre-installed utility. Octoprint helps in reducing manual tasks as it is quite easy to deploy.
You should know if your raspberry Pi supports Octoprint or not. You should have Raspberry Pi 3 or Raspberry Pi 3+ to get octoprint installed. Also, you need to check your printer. Octoprint supports almost all the popular printers. Also read: 7 Benefits Of 3D Printers In the Education Field
Installing Octoprint On Raspberry PiÂ
Here are the steps that will guide you in installing Octoprint on your Raspberry Pi board:
- The Octoprint can be easily set up on Raspberry pi using the OctoPi image. You just need to download the OctoPi image from the Octoprint Website.
- Now you need to flash the downloaded image on your Raspberry Pi’s SD card. Insert a card to your PC using the SD card reader.
- After you have connected the SD card, download and install the Raspberry Pi imager.
- Open Raspberry Pi Imager, navigate to choose OS, click on Use Custom and locate the previously downloaded Octoprint disk image.
- Choose your SD card and hit the Write button. Allow 5 minutes for the flashing process.
After you are done with the installation you are left with three more simple steps First you will have to connect your Raspberry to Wi-fi.
Here are the steps to do so:
- We have to edit a text file on the SD card. Navigate to your SD card and open the octopi-WPA-supplicant.txt file in Notepad.
- You have to enter your WiFi name and password in the given file. Enter the following lines WPA/WPA2 secured
network={ Â Â Â Â ssid=”my-wifi-network-name” Â Â Â Â psk=”my-wifi-password” }
In case you are using Raspberry Pi3b+ or Raspberry Pi 4 you will require to add country code in that file.
Here’s how:
#country=GB # United Kingdom #country=CA # Canada #country=DE # Germany #country=FR # France country=US # United States Now you have to configure the Octoprint with your Pi and 3d printer and you are good to go.
How To Use Octoprint With Raspberry Pi?
You will have to access Octoprint through your web browser. Visit Octoprint. local being on the same network. Log in to use the menu and select the Octoprint features you require. You can also share gcodes to the printer from your system.
What Are Default Octoprint Credentials?
The by-default credentials of Octoprint are
Username: pi
Password: raspberry
And your Raspberry Pi’s address is
Octoprint has quite a better interface when it comes to Raspberry Pi devices.
How Can I Use Octoprint Remotely?
Yes, you can easily use octoprint Remotely using Spahaggeti detective Plugin. Open Octo Pi from the browser. You can use the URL: http://octopi.local
Navigate to the plugin manager from the left-hand navigation menu.
Search for the Spahaggeti plugin and install it. Once you are done with the installation you will be directed to the Spahaggeti detective where you have to create an account.
Click on ADD button to add your 3d printer. You can use this plugin to detect failed prints easily.
This article was about What you need to know about octoprint and how you can do an octoprint setup. I have also thrown some light on setting up octoprint for raspberry pi. There are multiple other plugins you can use and boost your 3d printing controls in an efficient manner. Professionals who are 3d printing and 3d modeling enthusiasts would really find this octoprint setup guide helpful. Â The features provided by octoprint include remotely controlling and monitoring each and every task of the 3d printer right away from the browser. If you are looking to set up your trading setup then you can check out this well-compiled list of stock trading monitors.