Caleb Houser

Caleb Houser

Since my first mountain bike race, I’ve been a fitness enthusiast and a health nut since I discovered how much better I race after! When I’m not at the gym or on my bike, I love blogging about all the cool health and wellness products my friends and I have come across. As I seek out new wellness adventures and develop my blog, I hope my personal fitness stories help you find your favorite wellness brands and products. Thanks for checking out my profile!
Health and Fitness

6 Pieces of Gear a Busy Weightlifter Needs in Their Gym Duffle Bag

You’re a go-getter. You’re always on the go, checking things off your to-do list and blazing through your day. However,…

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Health and Fitness

Put on Bodybuilding Clothes and Do These Stretches to Avoid Injuries

You throw on your bodybuilding clothes. You leave the locker room. You’re ready to give it your all and maybe…

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Health and Fitness

A Kava Adventure: 4 Vacation Destinations Where You Can Find Kava

The kava plant comes from the South Pacific, where island cultures all over the region have grown and harvested it…

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Health and Fitness

5 Reasons to Choose a CRO with Pharmaceutical CDMO Services

When it comes time to decide on a contract research organization you want to partner with, it might be wise…

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