custom vinyl records


How to prepare audio for your Custom Vinyl record Pressing

The process of removing a vinyl record from its jacket, placing it on the turntable, gently positioning the stylus on…

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How to Prevent Vinyl Records from Getting Damaged

If you are a vinyl collector, your worst nightmare is a damaged disc. Custom vinyl records are fragile and can…

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How Custom Vinyl Records Are Making A Comeback

Who doesn’t love to listen to good soothing music on their favorite medium? As music evolved with the new generation…

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How are Custom Vinyl Records Made? Where can I Press my own vinyl?

In the modern era of the digital world, online music streaming is the number one method people listen to music.…

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How to make your own vinyl record in Australia

Audiophiles are coming back to custom vinyl in record numbers, and it’s never been easier to make your own vinyl…

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Know the process of pressing Vinyl Records

Music is one of the universal art forms globally and is a nearly constant part of our everyday lives. Know…

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