If you’re considering making custom animation videos, it can seem like an overwhelming process to try to do it yourself. However, there are tools on the market that can help create a custom animation video much easier than you might think! In this article, we’ll be going over some of the steps involved in designing your own custom animated video and some tips to help get you started down the right path!
Know what you want from your video
What is your goal? Are you trying to show off a new product or service, educate your audience on a topic, promote an event, or increase your brand awareness? It’s important to know what you want to achieve with your video before you start looking for vendors. Once you know what you want out of a video and clearly describe it to potential candidates, you’ll have better luck finding someone who fits your needs.
Set goals for custom animation videos
Before getting started on a custom animation project, it’s essential to know what you want. That way, you can measure your success when finished. Do you want your video to go viral? Are you hoping for increased brand awareness or website traffic? For each goal, decide how much time and money you want to spend on your video before deciding whether or not it’s worth pursuing. In other words, don’t be afraid to write a business plan!
Build the perfect script with help from our writers
One of your first steps in building a custom animated video will be to work with one of our writers to draft a script that is relevant, funny, and effective. When we say write, we don’t mean brainstorm a quick thought; instead, our writers sit down with you and help find your business’s unique voice. We can show you what we’ve written for similar companies or offer suggestions based on your business type and product offerings.
Design the look of your video
Whether you have a specific idea for your video or not, it’s essential to start with a design. After all, to make something look good on film, you need to know what good looks like—defining what you want before filming is key to getting it right in post-production. Designing a custom animation video might seem daunting, but many resources can help.
Decide on a voiceover artist.
Choosing a voiceover artist to narrate your video is just as important as choosing one for an audio-only podcast. But it’s also something that many business owners don’t think about until late in the process. It’s your responsibility to make sure you have a good fit.
Find music to go with your script
It is a creative project, so it may be easy to get stuck here. If you’re not finding anything that resonates with you, take a break for a few days and come back to it when you’re fresh. If you still can’t find anything after a week or two, consider hiring a professional music editor to help search for music.
Hire animators to bring it all together
After you’ve got your script and storyboard, it’s time to find animators. Read some user reviews on sites like Freelancer, Upwork, or Guru and have several in mind before contacting them. Use Google Voice to get a feel for their personalities during interviews; if you decide to work with them on a project later down the road, they won’t be strangers.
Tell everyone about it!
It would help if you told your friends and family, who will be an essential part of marketing your brand. They have influence, and they’re more likely to share something when it comes from someone they know rather than a faceless business. Your future customers are just like them—they need to hear about you from someone they trust before deciding to put their money on your idea. So don’t shy away from telling everyone what you’re doing!.